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미국에서 바로 터지는 Magic Word 990절판

  • 저자 김용상
  • 등록 2001.06.04
  • 구성
  • 가격 정가 9,000원 9,000원 10%
  • ISBN 8972556297
  • 서지 308쪽 | 630g | 4x6배판 변형
  • 레벨 초급
  • 수량 countm countp
중・고등 및 대학교를 거치면서 수많은 기본 어휘들을 익혔음에도 불구하고 우리가 영어에 대해 항상 느끼게 되는 부족함은 어디에서 비롯되는 것일까? 또 왜 외국인 앞에만 서면 입이 막히는 것일까? 가장 큰 원인 중 하나는 우리가 접하는 어휘 중에 북미의 실생활에 자주 쓰이는 단어가 많이 빠져 있다는 것이다. 이 책은 바로 그러한 어휘들을 소개함으로써 한국에서 장기간 영어를 배운 사람들이 미국에서 다시 어학연수 과정을 거쳐야만 대화가 가능해지는 어처구니없는 일을 막기 위해 쓰여졌다.
▶ 대학생 및 일반인을 대상으로 미국의 실생활에서 자주 쓰이는 1000여 개의 핵심 단어 및 어휘 수록
▶ 선정된 단어마다 단문 및 대화의 다양한 예문이 있어 영어회화 연습에 유용
▶ 매 페이지마다 북미생활을 엿볼 수 있는 재미있는 사진과 삽화 수록
▣ 추천사
▣ 이 책을 시작하며
▣ 어휘 선정 기준

absurd / acne / adolescent / adore / ain''t / airmail / alert / algebra / alimony / allergic / alley / allowance / ample / angle / ankle / annoy / anonymous / antifreeze / antiperspirant / antiseptic / apologize / appetite / applaud / appliance / appointment / appreciate / apprentice / aquarium / arcade / argue / armor / arrogant / assault / asset / assignment / assorted / at / attitude / attractive / autograph / autopsy / awesome / awful
북미생활 Helpful Tip 1 : 대문자 학습

babysit / badly / bail / bait / ballot / baloney / bandage / bang / bank account / bar exam /</a> bare / bathtub / battery / beam / bellbottom / belly / bet / beverage / bib / binoculars / birth certificate / bland / bleach / blink / blond / blow / blunt / blur / booger / book / booth / bowel / bow tie / braces / brag / braid / brand-name / brat / break down / breed / browse / brunch / buckle up / buck / bulky / bump / bun / bunny / burnout / burp / butt / buzz number
북미생활 Helpful Tip 2 : Konglish는 기억에서 지우자

callus / camcorder / carpool / cast / cavity / celsius / centimeter / charge / cheap chin / choke / chuckle / chubby / chunk / citizenship / civilian / clipboard / clog / cloudy / club / clue / clumsy / coarse / cockroach / cola / comfy / commercial / common sense / compassion / complication / constipation / contraception / cool / cot / couch / cozy / cram / cramp / craving / crawl / credit history / crispy / cucumber / curfew / custodian
북미생활 Helpful Tip 3 : 숫자읽기

dandruff / dashboard / daycare / dead end / debris / deduct / deficit / deform / deli / delinquent / demanding / demerit / dent / deposit / depress / deserve / detour / devastate / devote / dick / dictate / digest / digit / dime / disappoint / discipline / discriminate / disguise / disposable / disqualify / distracted / ditch / dizziness / have to do with / dodge / doorknob / double-space / drain / dress code / drool / dropout / due / dump / dung

earnings / easygoing / elastic / eligible / embarrass / emergency room / enclose / endorse / engagement / enormous / enroll / ensure / equivalent / eraser / errand / esteem / evaluate / even / eventually / evolve / exaggerate / excel / exclamation / oint / excuse / execute / exempt / exhaust / exotic / expel / expire / expose / extinguish / extravagant / eyebrow
북미생활 Helpful Tip 4: 주소 불러주기

fabulous / faint / fake / fanny pack / fare / fart / fascinate / fatigue / feminine / fetch / fickle / finance / fine / keep one''s fingers crossed / fingernail / fire engine / first aid kit / first name / fitness / flat / flea market / flick / flip / floss / flu / flunk / flush / fraud / freeze / frequency / frown / fumble /

gallon / gamble / garage / geek / gene / germ / ghetto / girlfriend / gloomy / glow / glue / goggles / gold mine / gold-plated / good-looking / goof / gorgeous / gosh / grab / grad / GPA / graffiti / grant / grasp / grassy / gratuity / grill / grin / grind / grocery / gross / ground / grumble / grudge / grunt / gut / gym
북미생활 Helpful Tip 5: 자동차 구입

hail / hair / hairdo / Halloween / go halves / hand / handicap / handle / handout / haunt / heart attack / heartbreak / heir / heritage / hiccup / high chair / hire / hitchhike / hoard / hoarse / holdup / hollow / hostage / hostile / hot / housewife / how come / humid / hygiene / hypnosis / hyper

break the ice / icicle / identical / identity / idiot / idle / illegible / immature / immense / immerse / immunity / impartial / impersonal / imply / impress / improvise / impulse / indebted / ineligible / inexperience / in-law / insecure / insensitive / inside out / insight / installment / insult / intact / integrity / intensive / interpret / interrupt / intimidate / intuition / involuntary / That''s it! / itinerary / ivy
북미생활 Helpful Tip 6 : 전화개설

hit the jackpot / jamb / jaywalk / jerk / joke / juggle / junior college / junior high school

kayak / kernel / king-size / KKK / knapsack. / knuckle / kosher

lab / labor / ladder / lap / lawn / leech / leaflet / leave / legend / legitimate / lenient / lid / likable / limp / litter / lousy / lump sum / lyrics
북미생활 Helpful Tip 7 : 식료품 쇼핑

macho / mad / make / marital / mark / masculine / mash / menopause / merit / merry-go-round / messy / mileage / millionaire / mingle / miscellaneous / mop / mortgage / motivate / muffin / multiple-choice / mumble / munch / municipal / mustache

nag / naive / call someone names / narcotic / nasty / a pain in the neck / get on / someone''s nerves / newsstand / nipple / nod / nope / nostril / no way / numb
북미생활 Helpful Tip 8 : 절약하기

obnoxious / obsess / obvious / offend / oops / outcome / outdoor / outlet / outskirts

pace / page / paperback / paralysis / paraphrase / parenthesis / parking lot / pathetic / pave / payday / peek / peer / phony / pinch / piss / plate / pliers / pot / prejudice / pullover / pulse / pus / pushy

qualification / quarter / queer / quench / quit
북미생활 Helpful Tip 9 : 수표쓰기

radical / raffle / rally / ramp / rare / realistic / receipt / reception / recess / recipe / reckless / recommend / rectangle / redeem / regret / release / reputation / rip-off

sarcastic / scar / scare / scoop / shade / shallow / shelter / shiver / shoplift / shovel / shrink / shrug / sibling / side effect / skewer / sluggish / slum / smash / snooze / snore / soar / sober / solder / solicit / spit / squeeze / stain / stab / static / stepmother / sticky / stink / stub / stuck / stuffy / sublet / sue / swallow

tag / take off / takeout / talkative / tangle / tedious / term paper / thaw / therapist / thrifty / timid / tiptoe / torture / traffic jam / tweezers
북미생활 Helpful Tip 10 : Dirve-Thru 이용하기

ugly / underpants / unscrew / ups and downs

vague / valid / ventilation / victim / voucher / vulnerable

weep / weird / whine / wig / woozy / wordy / wretched / wrinkle

X, Y, Z
x-ray / yawn / yell / youthful / yucky / zero / zipper
북미생활 Helpful Tip 11 : 무인시설 이용하기