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  • 대학·학원 교재

30 Lessons on Grammar

  • 저자 Michael A. Putlack
  • 등록 2020.08.19
  • 구성 본책
  • 가격 정가 15,000원 13,500원 10%
  • ISBN 9788927709848
  • 서지 160쪽 | 370g | 167X226mm
  • 레벨 없음
  • 수량 countm countp

대학생 및 일반 성인을 대상으로 하는 문법 기본서로서, 대화문과 다양한 유형의 문제를 제공한다. 수업 중에 활용할 수 있는 재미있는 활동을 제시함으로써 반복적인 문제 풀이에 대한 지루함을 덜어준다. 유닛마다 추가 문법 및 관련된 활동을 제공하며, 제시된 마인드맵을 통해 학습자는 학습 내용을 복습할 수 있다.

이 책의 특징
- 30개의 유닛으로 구성
- 대화문, 문법 소개, 연습문제, 말하기 활동 등으로 각 유닛 구성
- 유닛마다 추가 문법 및 관련 활동 제공
- 마인드맵을 통한 복습 코너 제공


Unit 01   We study English together. (Present Simple Tense)
Unit 02   I’m checking my email on my phone. (Present Continuous Tense)
Unit 03   My wife and I flew to Australia in January. (Past Simple Tense)
Unit 04   Have you bought your plane ticket yet? (Present Perfect Tense vs. Past Perfect Tense)
Unit 05   I’m going to have dinner with some friends. (Future Tense)
Unit 06   May I help you with it? (Modals I: Permission/Requests/Offers)
Unit 07   You have to wake up now. (Modals II: Obligations/Responsibilities/Advice)
Unit 08   Can you repair a car? (Verbs of Ability)
Unit 09   It was built in 80 A.D. (Passive Voice)
Unit 10   I want to learn to ski. (To-Infinitives)
Unit 11   Watching movies is my hobby. (Gerunds)
Unit 12   You should stop coming to work late. (Verbs Talking To-Infinitives and Gerunds)
Unit 13   You look exhausted. (Participles)
Unit 14   I made it myself this morning. (Pronouns)
Unit 15   I’m visiting a few countries in Europe. (Countable/Uncountable Nouns and Articles)
Unit 16   I think it’s really boring. (Adjectives and Adverbs)
Unit 17   It tastes more delicious. (Comparisons)
Unit 18   The woman that is singing is my cousin. (Relative Clauses I)
Unit 19   It’s at 5:30 when the first performer will go on stage. (Relative Clauses II)
Unit 20   How much does it cost? (Wh-Questions)
Unit 21   Isn’t he too busy? (Negative Questions and Tag Questions)
Unit 22   Let’s go out for some food. (Suggestions, Imperatives, and Exclamations)
Unit 23   Margaret said that you are feeling sick today. (Direct and Indirect Speech)
Unit 24   If you need help, I can do something for you. (Subordinating Conjunctions I)
Unit 25   I usually drink coffee because I am still sleepy. (Subordinating Conjunctions II)
Unit 26   I’m going to the beach on Friday. (Prepositions of Time)
Unit 27   Look in the kitchen. (Prepositions of Place)
Unit 28   I can’t put off this project any longer. (Phrasal Verbs)
Unit 29   I wish it were lunchtime.   (Subjunctive Mood)
Unit 30   I enjoy swimming and hiking. (Parallel Structure)

Michael A. Putlack

MA in History, Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA
Expert test developer of TOEFL, TOEIC, and TEPS